Deep forest wonderlands, beautiful native flowers, and an abundance of love and happiness. Bella and Darcy's wedding was such a celebration of love and community. Their reception was at Peachberry Farm, the home of White Lane Studio, so it was a day very close to our hearts!
When you plan an outdoor wedding you hope and pray for sunshine. The day started off rainy as guests gathered in the cosy Mangrove Mountain Community Hall for the ceremony. It was transformed into a native wonderland by our dear friends at East Coast Wildflowers.
A stroll through a local pine forest for photos was made even more beautiful by the rain as there is something about raindrops that draw out the richest colours.
The support from their friends made the day extra special, with afternoon tea and grazing platters made by their parents' friends. A temporary bar was made with friends serving drinks and an old caravan was transformed into a cafe for hot drinks and and desserts.
By the time evening came the rain had cleared and guests listened to speeches and messages from friends and family, with many words of wisdom that had us laughing and crying.
Darcy and Bella have so many friends who are musicians that they decided an open mike night would be fun so that their friends could give them a gift of song for their wedding day. Led by James Amos from The Suits, the night and guests danced the night away under the stars.

"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same"
~ E.Bronte

“I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate then when I fall asleep your eyes close.”
– Pablo Neruda, 100 Love Sonnets

To my Bella,
As I write to you this letter my heart is filled with excitement and contentment as I think of where we have come from. Our late chats at 4am, to exploring islands in the South Pacific. I love your adventurous spirit that seeks to find fun and challenging new experiences. The way that you smile does something to me that cannot be explained by with words. These things and much more is what I love about you.
Knowing that I have a lifetime to share together, to connect and appreciate what God has made in you. gives me the upmost honour and privilege. Whatever happens today, know that tomorrow we get to wake up next to each other and be married. Through the highs and lows know that I'll always be by your side! I’m your biggest fan, now let's let life's adventure take its course.
Love, Darcy

Peachberry fARM
Bella & Darcy chose to get married on Darcy's childhood farm, a place already full of such great memories, now made even more special by having their wedding there.
'Peachberry Farm' is located on the beautiful Central Coast, and will be open for wedding ceremonies soon. It's perfect for boutique eco weddings.